Halsten Knuteson
Two-year old Halsten Knuteson loves playing in the dirt with his big brother in his hometown of Grantsville, UT. Any day he can play in the backyard, getting wet or dirty, is a good day in his book. Halsten is the life of the party – strong, loud, and even dramatic – a true joy in the life of his mother, Jarna, his father, Kiel, and big brother, Haaken.
After noticing some stunted growth and the appearance of lymph nodes on his neck and waist, Halsten’s parents became concerned and took Halsten in for some blood work. After a month of unanswered questions, doctors noticed a large mast in Halsten’s chest. Soon thereafter, he was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Halsten has shown incredible resilience during his 40-day stay in the hospital and subsequent treatment regimen, including 6+ months of chemotherapy. Through it all, Halsten still manages to find joy and have fun on the good days, and finds peace in cuddles from mom and dad on the really hard ones. He knows he is a child of God and that he is loved by so many.
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