Emi Curtis

39-year-old Tooele resident, writer, and mother of 3, Curtis, recalls her childhood in a way that can only be described as idyllic, spent on a horse and cattle farm in Roosevelt, UT. In addition to riding bareback at just 3 years old, Emi warmly remembers happy memories growing up alongside not only her siblings, but also countless furry animals and pets. An avid reader turned author herself, she spent many an evening happily snuggled up in bed with a cuddly cat and her beloved books. Fourteen years ago, Emi fell almost immediately in love with Tom, a young man who shared her deep passion for books. The two now share a library of over one thousand books in their comfortable home with a large backyard for their many animals in Tooele City, where they have lived for the past 12 years, along with their 3 sons, ages 9, 6, and 2. They spend their days working in their garden together and playing with their boys at Stansbury Lake, enjoying card games, and of course reading plenty of books.
As a self-described “nerd”, in addition to having published multiple books, Emi also has a love for comics. She loves drawing characters, has even published one comic book, and has sewn and sold items at Anime and Sci-Fi conventions for many years.
Emi was stunned, but not overly surprised, when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer in December 2023. Having lost both her aunt and her grandfather to cancer, and also having watched her own father battle cancer for the past 18 years, she pragmatically states that she is “no stranger to this kind of bad news.”
After preparing for a mastectomy, Emi learned that the cancer had already spread to several lymph nodes and to her lungs. As a result, the game plan changed and Emi instead underwent a hysterectomy and oophorectomy, followed by a long round of medication to battle the cancer. She is anxiously awaiting scans in the next few months to see if the treatments are helping.
While often feeling very sick and tired, Emi has been determined to continue making beautiful memories with her husband, children, and extended family. As awful as she feels sometimes, she believes the memories they make together are worth the efforts to continue to participate in their lives. Perhaps one of her favorite quotes best reflects her faith and determination to continue to thrive even in the face of her diagnosis:
“Do not go gentle into that good night.” – Dylan Thomas
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As a self-described “nerd”, in addition to having published multiple books, Emi also has a love for comics. She loves drawing characters, has even published one comic book, and has sewn and sold items at Anime and Sci-Fi conventions for many years.
Emi was stunned, but not overly surprised, when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer in December 2023. Having lost both her aunt and her grandfather to cancer, and also having watched her own father battle cancer for the past 18 years, she pragmatically states that she is “no stranger to this kind of bad news.”
After preparing for a mastectomy, Emi learned that the cancer had already spread to several lymph nodes and to her lungs. As a result, the game plan changed and Emi instead underwent a hysterectomy and oophorectomy, followed by a long round of medication to battle the cancer. She is anxiously awaiting scans in the next few months to see if the treatments are helping.
While often feeling very sick and tired, Emi has been determined to continue making beautiful memories with her husband, children, and extended family. As awful as she feels sometimes, she believes the memories they make together are worth the efforts to continue to participate in their lives. Perhaps one of her favorite quotes best reflects her faith and determination to continue to thrive even in the face of her diagnosis:
“Do not go gentle into that good night.” – Dylan Thomas
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